Designing Signs: Beauty, Balance and Brand

Why Bronze Plaques Make Ideal Mementos

If you are looking for a unique way to commemorate an event in your life, you should consider bronze plaques. These plaques are best used as keepsakes as they can be used to commemorate any type of event whether it is the birth of a child or an anniversary. The following are some of the reasons why bronze plaque would make an ideal memento for your family. 

Bronze plaques have a long lifespan 

When it comes to creating a memento, you would like one that will last for a significant amount of time. This is why bronze plaques are ideal keepsakes. They are made from an alloy of both copper and steel. The combination of these metals creates a significantly sturdy material that is designed to last for years to come. Additionally, the density of the bronze plaques makes them impact resistant. As such, it will be difficult for your plaque to acquire dings and dents over the years. As long as you clean and polish it regularly, your bronze plaque should remain in pristine condition. 

Bronze plaques are customizable

Another benefit of choosing bronze plaques to create your memento is that they are customizable. Some people tend to assume that since bronze is a sturdy material that it will be difficult to create unique shapes from it. However, when bronze is being moulded using high heat, it is quite malleable.

Once it sets, then you can rest assured that it will not lose its shape. Other than the shape of the plaque, you have a myriad of other customizations that you could choose. For instance, if you would like an image on your bronze plaque, you can have one embossed onto the bronze plaque. You also have the choice of engraving writing into the plaque. No matter what type of customization you want, chances are you can get it done on your plaque. 

Bronze plaques can be installed anywhere

Typically, people tend to mount their bronze plaques on a base then put them on display in their home. However, this is not the only option available to you when it comes to the installation of the plaque. If you would like to prevent your plaque from falling over, you could have it mounted right into the wall of your home. Alternatively, if you would like to add enhance the curb appeal of your residence, you could have the plaque installed right into the ground outdoors. 
